Newton’s laws off motion state that unless a body is disrupted by the application of force, it will continue on its path eternally on a straight path. Let us look at the social dimension of this. Unless society and circumstances disrupt you, you are likely to stay on track and hit your dreams seamlessly. The sad reality is that circumstances (or society as the case may be) must disrupt you. This emphasizes the essentiality of remaining on track to hit your goals.

The truth is that life is never void of hurdles. And the path toward success is one heck of a rollercoaster ride, skidding through pot holes and speed breakers to your ultimate destination. But it is not easy to keep your hands on the steering wheel in face of all the plethora of distractions that will swarm you in the course of life. This is why focus is a principal mental diet we must feed ourselves if we want to grow tall enough to pluck our goals.
Now, say that you have set a weight loss target for yourself. The key is keeping a keen eye on your meals and exercising more. It doesn’t mean you are going to eternally ostracize yourself from the dining table. No, what it means is that you are now going to eat more healthily and look out for the nutritional component of your food intake. Surely once in a while, the heavy-calorie burgers are going to scream out for you like a long lost lover. It would seem the easiest option for you to return to your favorite burger joint for a massive indulgence, but by a deliberate fixation on the bigger picture of weight loss, you will be able to circumvent those temporary obsessions. This is the place of focus.

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Focus, as important as it is, isn’t any easy. Looking past the discomfort of the immediacy for the glory of tomorrow requires heavy psychological stamina. One way sure is to surround yourself with your goals. Make sure the reminders are loud enough for where you are going. Read as much as you can about them and submerge your subconscious in the possibility of achieving these goals. The popular mantra is that good things don’t come easy. Otherwise, goals would be easy and the feeling of success that much less meaningful.
A long-term vision could sometimes mean a conscious short term blindness. This means that to keep your eyes on the long term in focus, you may have to blind yourself to some elements of the now. The piercing pain of sacrifice now must be energetically embraced for the elegance of the morrow. You may struggle and it may seem as difficult as a woman taking off her hijab in public in Mecca, but it doesn’t mean it is definitively impossible. You may hit some stumbling blocks, of course, but focus only on the possibility and the strides you are making. Be ready to forgive yourself for your deficiencies and make efforts to arm up. Savor your progress and take inspiration from the little heights you have conquered. It is the way up!
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